2024 CA Proposition Voter Guide

Proposition 2: Public Education Facilities Bond Measure

LPCA Endorsed Position : NO

Reason: The Libertarian Party opposes using taxpayer dollars to fund large-scale government projects like school construction. There are concerns that the state may misallocate funds, leading to inefficiencies and a lack of accountability.

Proposition 3: Fundamental Right to Marry

LPCA Endorsed Position : YES

Reason: Individuals should have the freedom to marry any consenting adult, regardless of gender. It is not the state’s role to dictate the terms of marriage.

Proposition 4: Climate Bond Measure

LPCA Endorsed Position : NO

Reason: The Libertarian Party believes that the state should not be entrusted with more taxpayer funds, as it often mismanages resources and fails to deliver effective solutions.

Proposition 5: Housing and Public Infrastructure Bond Measure

LPCA Endorsed Position : NO

Reason: This measure is intrusive and undermines the real estate industry by placing additional burdens on taxpayers. Local governments should not have easier access to borrowing at the expense of fiscal responsibility.

Proposition 6: Ban Involuntary Prison Servitude

LPCA Endorsed Position : Pending Deliberation

Reason: Pending Deliberation

Proposition 32: $18 Minimum Wage Increase

LPCA Endorsed Position : NO

Reason: The Libertarian Party believes that the government should not interfere in the employer-employee relationship by mandating wages. Such regulations can lead to higher prices for consumers, force businesses to close, & harm the economy by reducing job availability.

Proposition 33: Rent Control Expansion 

LPCA Endorsed Position : NO

Reason: The Libertarian Party maintains that the government should not regulate rental prices. Imposing rent controls can create economic strain on landlords and disrupt the housing market, ultimately harming both property owners and tenants by reducing available housing options.

Proposition 34: Effort to Require Healthcare Group Patient Spending

LPCA Endorsed Position : NO OPINION

Reason: Pending Deliberation

Proposition 35: Permanent Funding for Medi-Cal

LPCA Endorsed Position : NO

Reason: The Libertarian Party argues that the government should not dictate how tax revenue is allocated. Governor Newsom’s assurances do not address the broader economic implications for all Californians and may lead to inefficiencies in resource distribution.

Proposition 36: Penalty Increase for Theft and Drug Trafficking

LPCA Endorsed Position: Pending Deliberation

Reason: Pending Deliberation